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PDGA Disc Golf World Championships

2024 PDGA World Championships

Event Date Location
PDGA Masters (Am & Pro) Disc Golf World Championships June 11-15 Emporia, KS, USA
PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships July 16-20 Tulsa, OK, USA
PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships August 6-10 Grand Rapids, MI, USA
PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships August 21-25 Lynchburg, VA, USA

2025 PDGA World Championships

Event Date Location
PDGA Amateur Disc Golf World Championships August 16-23 Columbia, MO, USA 
PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships

July 12-19

Emporia, KS, USA 
PDGA Masters (Am & Pro) Disc Golf World Championships June 28-July 5 Twin Cities, MN, USA 
PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships July 26-August 3 Nokia and Tampere, Finland

World Championships Bid Process

If you are interested in hosting a PDGA World Championship please review the Major Event Bid Guidelines. All bid documents can be downloaded from the Major Disc Golf Events page. Any questions should be directed to the PDGA Director of Operations.