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PDGA Volunteers

PDGA Country Representatives, State Coordinators and Province Coordinators represent nearly a hundred key PDGA volunteer positions around the globe and within the United States and Canada repsectively. Each year approximately half of State and Province Coordinators are elected and PDGA Country Representatives are appointed by each participating country’s national disc sports or disc golf governing body.

State/Provincial Coordinator roles and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Represent the PDGA in a positive light and professional manner to members, clubs, agencies, media outlets, and communities in their jurisdiction.
  • Work with other State Coordinators, tournament directors and clubs within their jurisdiction and in adjoining areas to schedule PDGA Tour and other disc golf events.
  • Serve as a liaison to the PDGA Director of Event Support, in coordinating the tour schedule and addressing and resolving tour event issues.
  • Collect information, either personally or by delegating to individuals or clubs, for the PDGA Course Directory and the Course Evaluation system.
  • Promote PDGA memberships, and PDGA programs such as the Affiliate Clubs program, tournament sanctioning, Innovation Grants, Disc Golf Foundation, and EDGE to the members and potential members in their jurisdiction.
  • Provide feedback on the annual Tour Standards to the PDGA Director of Event Support.
  • Coordinate qualifications for events that require them (USADGC, USDGC).
  • Vote for and recommend candidates for select annual PDGA Awards.
  • Assist local Sports Commissions and CVBs interested in submitting a bid for a PDGA Major. Identify potential Host clubs and provide information.
  • Other duties as determined by the SCs, PDGA Board and staff.