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Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events

4.03 Caddies and Groups

Last updated: Sunday, December 31, 2023 - 20:31

  1. A caddie is someone who walks with a player during play.
  2. The playing group consists only of:
    1. the players themselves; and
    2. each player's individual caddie;

    and may be accompanied by:

    1. chaperones, where required (see 1.13.B); and
    2. any active tournament staff as determined by the TD; and
    3. any credentialed media.

    No other people may be with the playing group. All others (including players who have already finished their round) are considered spectators and must remain in designated spectator areas away from the playing group.

  3. Caddies at events must always display a caddie credential if on the course during play or in a player-only area. If no credential is provided or available, the player must identify their caddie to their group prior to the start of play.
  4. A caddie cannot be placed or directed to act as a visual reference or guide and is considered a directional aid in any such instance (see 813.02 B, Illegal Device).
  5. All other violations of this section are courtesy violations (see 812.C, Courtesy) applicable to the player the caddie is accompanying.