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Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events

6.03 Variances from the Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events

Last updated: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - 17:21

  1. 1.01 Player Eligibility
    1. 1.01.B.1. Outside the United States and Canada, players who are not current members may play in B-Tier events.
    2. 1.01.B.2. Events outside the United States and Canada do not assess a temporary membership fee.
  2. 1.02 Tournament Registration
    1. 1.02.C.3.d. Outside the United States and Canada, Affiliate Club membership means local club affiliation or membership in the National Association.
  3. 1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds
    1. Outside the United States and Canada, countries and national associations may have their own withdrawal and refund system, which they are solely responible for.
  4. 1.05 Practice Rounds, Beginning Play, Late Arrivals
    1. 1.05.G. Outside the United States and Canada, the Tournament Director only needs to provide two scorecards (see 6.02.A.2).
  5. 1.06 Grouping and Sectioning. Events outside the United States and Canada must observe the regulations in this subsection, with the following exceptions:
    1. At B-Tier and C-Tier events with at least two rounds, the Tournament Director may randomly group players for round 1 without regard to division.
    2. In countries where it is the custom to group players by score for round 2, without regard to division:
      1. At B-Tier and C-Tier events with at least three rounds, players may be grouped by score for round 2, without regard to division; and
      2. During all rounds after round 2, players must be grouped by both score and division per 1.06.C and D.
  6. 1.08 Reduction of Field Size (Cuts)
    1. 1.08.E. Outside the United States and Canada, countries may choose to set the cut line according to their local standards.
  7. 1.13 Youth Safety
    1. Countries outside the United States and Canada determine their own safety protocols regarding youth participation, for which they are solely responsible.
    2. It is highly recommended that countries outside the United States and Canada adhere to the provisions of 1.13 as closely as is possible.
  8. 3.07 Tour Vendor Policies
    1. Outside the United States and Canada, the national associations determine the tour vendor policies for events in their country.
  9. 3.08 Tournament Director Rights & Responsibilities
    1. 3.08.H. Outside the United States and Canada, the national association determines whether an event's Tier status should be demoted.
  10. 5.03 Preparing the Course
    1. 5.03.G. Outside the United States and Canada, bathrooms are required at A-Tier and B-Tier events, and highly recommended for C-Tier events.
  11. 5.05 Tier and Target Requirements
    1. 5.05.A. Outside the United States and Canada, this table replaces the Tier Standards Table.
    2. 5.05.C. Outside the United States and Canada, this table of recommended distances between events replaces the table of required distances.