Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events
6.03 Variances from the Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events
Last updated: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - 17:21
- 1.01 Player Eligibility
- 1.01.B.1. Outside the United States and Canada, players who are not current members may play in B-Tier events.
- 1.01.B.2. Events outside the United States and Canada do not assess a temporary membership fee.
- 1.02 Tournament Registration
- 1.02.C.3.d. Outside the United States and Canada, Affiliate Club membership means local club affiliation or membership in the National Association.
- 1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds
- Outside the United States and Canada, countries and national associations may have their own withdrawal and refund system, which they are solely responible for.
- 1.05 Practice Rounds, Beginning Play, Late Arrivals
- 1.05.G. Outside the United States and Canada, the Tournament Director only needs to provide two scorecards (see 6.02.A.2).
- 1.06 Grouping and Sectioning. Events outside the United States and Canada must observe the regulations in this subsection, with the following exceptions:
- At B-Tier and C-Tier events with at least two rounds, the Tournament Director may randomly group players for round 1 without regard to division.
- In countries where it is the custom to group players by score for round 2, without regard to division:
- At B-Tier and C-Tier events with at least three rounds, players may be grouped by score for round 2, without regard to division; and
- During all rounds after round 2, players must be grouped by both score and division per 1.06.C and D.
- 1.08 Reduction of Field Size (Cuts)
- 1.08.E. Outside the United States and Canada, countries may choose to set the cut line according to their local standards.
- 1.13 Youth Safety
- Countries outside the United States and Canada determine their own safety protocols regarding youth participation, for which they are solely responsible.
- It is highly recommended that countries outside the United States and Canada adhere to the provisions of 1.13 as closely as is possible.
- 3.07 Tour Vendor Policies
- Outside the United States and Canada, the national associations determine the tour vendor policies for events in their country.
- 3.08 Tournament Director Rights & Responsibilities
- 3.08.H. Outside the United States and Canada, the national association determines whether an event's Tier status should be demoted.
- 5.03 Preparing the Course
- 5.03.G. Outside the United States and Canada, bathrooms are required at A-Tier and B-Tier events, and highly recommended for C-Tier events.
- 5.05 Tier and Target Requirements
- 5.05.A. Outside the United States and Canada, this table replaces the Tier Standards Table.
- 5.05.C. Outside the United States and Canada, this table of recommended distances between events replaces the table of required distances.
Outline of Contents
Disc Golf Rules and Standards
- Overview
- Official Rules of Disc Golf
- Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events
- Translated Rules of Disc Golf
- Becoming a PDGA Certified Rules Official
- Tour Standards
- Technical Standards
- Disc Golf Rules History