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Tyler Schwalenberg #146165

Tyler Schwalenberg #146165

Player Info

Ratings Detail

Kelley Park Disc Golf Course - Kelley Park C&D Pool; 21 holes; Par 66; 5,855 ft.
Coyote Creek Disc Golf Course at Hellyer Park - Hellyer SVC 23; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,606 ft.
Parque De La Raza Disc Golf Course - La Raza C&D Pool; 18 holes; Par 56; 5,812 ft.
Kelley Park Disc Golf Course - Kelley Park SVC C&D Pool; 21 holes; Par 66; 7,045 ft.
Parque De La Raza Disc Golf Course - La Raza SVC 22' C&D Pool; 18 holes; Par 56; 6,298 ft.
Coyote Creek Disc Golf Course at Hellyer Park - Hellyer SVC 22'; 18 holes; Par 54; 5,778 ft.
Parque De La Raza Disc Golf Course - Raza 9 & Hellyer 9 SVC; 18 holes; Par 54; 6,487 ft.
Kelley Park Disc Golf Course - Kelley Park SVC; 20 holes; Par 62; 7,036 ft.
Silicon Valley ClassicB30-Sep to 1-Oct-2023MA2164902YesYes
Silicon Valley ClassicB30-Sep to 1-Oct-2023MA2261853YesYes
Silicon Valley ClassicB30-Sep to 1-Oct-2023MA2359899YesYes
Silicon Valley Classic 22'B10-Sep to 11-Sep-2022MA2176854YesYes
Silicon Valley Classic 22'B10-Sep to 11-Sep-2022MA2261901YesYes
Silicon Valley Classic 22'B10-Sep to 11-Sep-2022MA2361857YesYes
Silicon Valley ClassicC9-Oct to 10-Oct-2021MA1170832YesYes
Silicon Valley ClassicC9-Oct to 10-Oct-2021MA1272874YesYes