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2024 PDGA Global and Europe Board of Directors, State/Provincial Coordinators Announced

2024 PDGA Global and Europe Board of Directors, State/Provincial Coordinators Announced

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 12:56

The votes have been counted for the 2024 PDGA Elections, which took place through the month of July with 112,665 ballots sent to eligible PDGA members. Of those, 11,995 ballots were returned, which is a participation mark of 10.65%. Participation was at 14.9% in 2023.

Full Election Statistics »

PDGA Global Board of Directors

A Board of Directors is a requirement for nonprofit status and is mandated by the PDGA Bylaws. In addition to semi-annual summit meetings, the board and staff conduct monthly teleconference calls and ongoing communication to accomplish required business.

In accordance with the PDGA bylaws, three at-large board member positions were up for election in 2024. The three candidates that received the most votes will serve three-year terms from September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2027.

With the votes officially tallied, we are excited to congratulate the following PDGA members on their election to the PDGA Board of Directors!

Full PDGA Board of Directors Election Results »

Wilbur Wallis — #6583


Theo Pozzy — #14166


Terhi Kytö — #79817


PDGA Europe Board of Directors

Additionally, PDGA Europe held its own election, with two positions available. We are pleased to congratulate the two new PDGA Europe board members as well. The two candidates that received the most votes will serve three-year terms from 1-September 2024 to 31-August 2027.

Full PDGA Europe Board of Directors Elections Results »

Hristo Neiland — #70759


Sofia de Campos Pereira — #128365


State/Provincial Coordinators

Additionally, PDGA State Coordinators and Provincial Coordinators were also on the ballot. Each year approximately half of United States and Canadian Province Coordinators are elected to serve two-year terms in these key volunteer positions. We are thrilled to congratulate our new Coordinators. The candidates who obtained the most votes and who will take office September 1 are shown in the table below.

Full State/Province Coordinators Elections Results »

State/Province Name PDGA Number
Alaska Patrick Miller 55433
Arizona Pete Ulibarri 41750
British Columbia Kevin King 68640
California (South) Shaun Watkins 122411
Connecticut Patrick DiCaprio 58042
District of Columbia Bob Cannon 26532
Florida Cameron Harbachuk 52085
Hawaii Alan Koons 31429
Illinois Mike Krupicka 28238
Iowa Andy Hamer 35809
Kentucky Nicholas Baker 147759
Maine Dan Stefanilo 79846
Maryland Adam Neal 93196
Massachusetts Bob Kulchuk 54607
Michigan John Norkowski 36436
Mississippi Daymon Parker 141584
Montana Brian Bjortomt 28854
Nevada Skot Meyer 42274
New Brunswick Duncan Dixon 14829
New Jersey Eric Schubert 62497
New York James Carman 56329
Newfoundland & Labrador Johnston Miller 192206
North Dakota Michael Anderson 81612
Nova Scotia Adam Dowe 77628
Oklahoma Jason Schwake 25743
Oregon Madison Tomaino 60798
Prince Edward Island Kyle Bates 97837
South Carolina Vern Weygandt 75126
Tennessee Rod Norton 43010
Texas (North) Thomas Veal 36573
Utah Dave Roper 29903
Virginia Bob Cannon 26532
West Virginia Brook Johnson 108871
Wyoming Zach Meeker 42225
Yukon Territory Jamie Roddick 113535

The PDGA asks all of our members to join us in thanking outgoing State and Provincial Coordinators as well as Board Members for all of their volunteer time dedicated to the betterment of the association and the sport of disc golf.

Thank you for participating in the 2024 PDGA Elections!